
Monday 13 November 2017

a gossiping mathematician that sells star dust


"Hello welcome to papa's star dust""The best on earth"said Jeff, "I'll have enough for the whole flight said geoffrey."you just take it i better go on my flight now". bye! "okay I'll take it and go on the flight and what's the flight number, airliner, airline design and how many passengers"said Jeff. "It's a cargo plane"said Geoffrey "O can I be on the jump-seat"said Jeff. "You're way too fat Jeff It might crash".THE END




"Kia pai ki te papa o te papa o te papa" "Ko te pai rawa i runga i te whenua" ka mea a Jeff, "Ka tino nui au mo te rere o te rererangi ka mea he kaimutu." Ka pai ake te haere i taku rere nei " Ka tangohia e ia, ka rere i runga i te rere, me te aha te tau rere, te kaipatu haurangi, te hoahoa o te raina me te maha o nga kainoho "ka mea a Jeff," He oko rererangi tenei "ka mea a Geoffrey" Ka taea e au ki runga i te pekepeke "ka mea a Jeff." 'Ko te ara nui rawa atu a Jeff He mea ka hinga "


  1. Nicholas, we enjoyed reading your sci-fi story. Well done for using speech marks correctly when someone was speaking. We thought it was funny because everyone laugh out loud at the end. Next time you could add more detail to tell us more about what these characters do.

  2. Nicholas we liked how you translated it into English and Maori and how you put in the jokes laughing out loud
    Devon and cassia room 10

  3. Nicholas I like how you made up The characters Jeff and Geoffrey

  4. i like ow you put talking marks and speech marks it was on of the funnest story i have ever Jawad not nick.
