
Sunday, 30 July 2017

puns,riddles and tt's

Which is funnier  
A.A B C D E F G HI wait where are you?
or B.I know 25 letters of the alphabet and I don't know you
C.the same
which did you get closer to anwsering 
A.The more there is the less you see A:darkness
or B.How many golf balls can you fit in yourself A:1
C.the same
which can you say better fast
A.bucks chuck ducks while ducks chuck bucks
or B.A duck chucked ducks at a duck chucking ducks at ducks chucking bucks
C.the same

mostly A:normal
all the same:alright 
mostly B or C:odd
all C:extremely odd

reflection: I learnt how to make a test

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


"Just investigate,
we don't have time to sleep" "yeah
we got a long day."

Reflection: I learnt haiku

Sunday, 23 July 2017

mixed Tongue twisters

Try reading this fast. Hint:the letters are mixed up so you have to unscramble it 
A cdku euhkdcc kucsd ta A kcdu uhkngicc cksud ta sdkuc kcghinuc usbkc

Reflection:I learnt how to make a xdime (thats an extra challenge)tongue t 
                                       w     r e
                                          i    t