
Sunday, 23 July 2017

mixed Tongue twisters

Try reading this fast. Hint:the letters are mixed up so you have to unscramble it 
A cdku euhkdcc kucsd ta A kcdu uhkngicc cksud ta sdkuc kcghinuc usbkc

Reflection:I learnt how to make a xdime (thats an extra challenge)tongue t 
                                       w     r e
                                          i    t

1 comment:

  1. Wow Nicholas, I am enjoying reading all three of your posts of poetic writing. You are showing humourous creativity with the way you are mixing up words and making them a challenge to read or see. I wonder how fast you can say this tongue twister without getting it muddles.

    Mixed Nick nicks many nickles, maybe more now. Never mix with Nick's many nickles.
